
Somyot Hananuntasuk
Kitikong Tilokwattanotai


From may 28th to june 11th, 2021
Daily from 2 pm to 7 pm and on appointment
Opening reception on may 28th and 29th until 8.30 pm


65 rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris

Point Contemporain

An inter-generational reunion between a 70-year-old, Somyot Hananuntasuk, one of the masters of Thai abstraction, and Kitikong Tilokwattanotai an artist in his early 40’s, actually growing on the international scene.

Generation of emotions, feelings, images when discovering the abstract work of these artists. When reading the works, the spectator creates his own story becoming, in a way, the co-author.

For the artists who have given free course to their creative process, step by step, creating according to their experiences, their feelings, their instincts, the result is a highly personal work. Work that needs no justification whatsoever. In any case, the viewer asks himself the fundamental question of the “what”